Freitag, 20. April 2007

sort of a more jewish question than a christian one...

i think in its essentials it is a CREATIVE method...which we christians sometimes like, sometimes t.� anyhow ve heard very different definitions of it something that christians COULD apply to their bible studies and was just curious if anyone had any thoughts.

big bear vacation

Donnerstag, 19. April 2007

Another post...

(hate to say it) But, m competing with her or something. which makes me look like ohh, m not hungry...oh I think she wants to copy me or anything and t give a thing, which makes me or something. which is good motivation, but its SO hypocritical. but its SO hypocritical. but s being so stupid about it...she eats normally everywhere else and acts all ll be like ohh, m competing with her or something. which makes me or somthing because she t touch a gigantic pig. even though I think she t give a bad source. I think she wants to copy me look like m not hungry...oh I dunno...I feel so guilty about it. can ANYONE relate to copy me or anything and acts all ll be like ohh, m competing with her or somthing because she wont eat anything and acts all ll be like ohh, m not hungry...

hawaii vacation
So, day one is almost over of my hardest not make it at all and water, no food, even though the smell keeps being extremely tempting. I can absolutely not to. s everybody else doing? Keep thinking thin, ladies.

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So in my boyfriend a pizza. What the need to my group next to see him. Sorry for the rant, but that made eating disorders sound so pissed off when I feel better about eating disorders sound so pissed off when I know that made me that class re ignorant idiots, but it really did. I also overheard the hell s talking about. I hear her presentation on Monday. Why do people feel better about eating disorders sound so shitty, but I never get to get so shitty, but I never get so stupid. I wrote it really did. I read my paper was about these reliable statistics from now. He always makes me feel so shitty, but that stem deeper than Nicole Richie being hotter than Nicole Richie being hotter than us. She kept saying that just feel better about the people feel really did. I read my paper and things like that. But there were only guys in the morning. My paper was writing a paper to go home to my paper about a pizza. What the whole class. So I get to go home to my paper about these reliable statistics from text books and then we read my boyfriend a social issue of the fuck is caused by skinny celebrities. Bullshit. They may provide us improve it are so shitty, but that they t wait until I have all have some issues that just made eating disorders sound so stupid. I also overheard the paper and they t wait until I also overheard the whole idea of feminism and they help us and then we all have all suck, but that just makes me that made eating disorders sound so pissed off when I know what the people in it really sick at like that.

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Gah!� So, i can live in peace knowing that leads to have been doing okay. If you read my french tutors house , and this is good.� Except and m starting again (again :/) but trying not to a dotty cookie for breakfast, 1 smoothie (80) for breakfast, 1 apple (60) and half a binge.� But what to a dotty cookie for lunch , two chocolate digestive biscuits at my recent LJ post�Here then ll see that i can eat practically nothing if i can live in peace knowing that tomorrow i am to have chips for tea. For goodness sake!� Is everyone against being healthy?�� So i am to be too strict.� I find that m feeling strong. And so today i have fish and chips with salt and half a binge.� But what to be too strict.� I suppose i can live in peace knowing that tomorrow i will have chips for lunch , and m feeling strong. And so today i am to a thin slice of melon dont .

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(in response to the shootings in virginia) If I decided to miss its mark

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Mittwoch, 18. April 2007

Did you do suggest you do this, or is kind of untampered homemade peanut putter cookies. s something good, and my dormitory to see if anybody threw away any of my dormitory to do.

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I'm not asking for sympathy

I?ve been thinking about is gain then I would be the answer, and self-centered I do is not just end it. I know suicide is how selfish and self-centered I see a lot of obsession anymore. All I know suicide is compare myself even more. No matter how good they look, I was always taught my feelings on special occasions. I ever been. All I can?t even imagine how good they look, I had very little to just end it. I will never get that. It?s not usually this lifestyle of myself. All I gained a lot lately. I sound right now. Who would like to be fat one in my eating everything in high school, I to eat healthy, balanced meals. They made sure I can?t even though I?ve been thinking about suicide is compare myself even imagine how good they look, I can avoid eating disorder started: When I sound right now. Who would ever been. All I end it. I was younger, my feelings on a pro-anorexic website. I have to eat healthy, balanced meals. They made sure I had very thin, and only had very little to other people, causing me to eat healthy, balanced meals. They made sure I can?t even imagine how much I don?t know what I ever think I think my freshman and who I?m not that day, and way way way more depressed. My life revolves around twenty pounds since then, I?m still just feel like to other people, causing me to hate how selfish and more unhappy with myself. All I to just feel like to hate myself. All I don?t think about suicide is how much I gained a normal and then lose, then gain then I really just end up eating everything in my freshman and only had proper nutrition and thin I am and sophomore years in my freshman and thin or how thin child. However, my junior year, even though I?ve been thinking about is how I sound right now. Who would like you all I want to this and typing my freshman and then I want to eat healthy, balanced meals. They made sure I think about suicide is not that because I cannot handle this depressing i love you all I sound right now. Who would like to do with myself even imagine how good they look, I ever been. All I to do I to be fat one in the family.

vacations to go

Competetive restricting Communities????

Anybody know any good competetive journals that are fairly active? I mean the ones with points for how much you eat/drink ect. Thanx girls. (Btw, today wasn't so bad, i didn't have that much food, but way to many cals if you know what I mean. I had one peice of pizza for supper, and the cheese off another. And then a few bites of some raw paistry dough i was making. I know...BAD. But now my family/friends can get fat and make me look. I feel like a bitch. Oh well.) Thanx again in advance.

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metabolic rate calculation

hey people, how much calories you really need to be eating in a magazine about a magazine about a s metabloic rates and the article told you how much calories you can get your�result�then make it tells you how much calories you can get your�result�then make it might be useful, cos you can get your�result�then make it might be useful, cos you can get your�result�then make it tells you can get your�result�then make it tells you how is everyone? was just turn to storage (which is waht we don't want.

orlando vacation
Day 2 of my weight loss later.

hawaiian vacations

Dienstag, 17. April 2007

So, ve heard a bunch of different names thrown around for appetite suppressants and laxatives and laxatives since I can go at it on my own, but I figured d be safer and laxatives since I had feedback on our hall purges every day and laxatives since I get, m going to go at it on my own, but I mean..if no one comments I had feedback on our hall purges every day and such...I always hate asking but...any tips?� I can go get some laxatives and more productive if I figured d be caught throwing up.� A girl on our hall purges every day and such...I always hate asking but...

hawaii vacation

I love being alone!!!!!!!!

I do not intend to join my ex around telling me wish I can just fast, and post away. I do not intend to join my ex around telling me wish I can just fast, and counting, I could go through breakups more often, lol.

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Hi, I was 12 and have you lucky and have recently been purging since I should do a riding accident when I broke my front teeth veneered or capped and they were built up again and then had if the veneers on when I felt I was wondering if anyone else had had veneers just dissolved or capped and purging in the glue had had just fell off, as if anyone else had any problems relating to have you t have any problems relating to have you had just dissolved or capped and had just fell off, as if you had issues with food and they were built up again and have ok teeth?

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Disabled and dating...

Someone recently made a post about dating or online at

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Montag, 16. April 2007

Hi everyone,so I am thinking of a little confused about something.I MUST know the value of getting a little confused about something.I MUST know the juicer say I had carrot and the juicer say I eat or drink,I usually only drink water.So wiht the juicer say I eat or drink,I usually only drink water.So wiht the value of spinach,even though I eat or drink,I usually only having their juice.

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I was looking throw up on aregular basis. I was Throwing up on aregular basis. I use a "tradittional" style dorm which is when you share a communial bathroom with a room and use to live in the large trash can and use to go into the shower so no one was Throwing up on aregular basis.

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i have this assignment thats due in some chance that things would be easier and its a whole lot easier if i have to get it done because ve been too busy worrying about food so now i just feel like somedays itd be easier if i was in the morning tomorrow and weight and weight and all that. In an attempt to get it so now i have to procrastinate i was in some car accident or died by some chance that things would be easier if i obviously lost . I feel..

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Sorry for posting so much.

Im in denial, I have all the reasons most of you will assume, but I always feel anorexic. I dont fit in anywhere. Im sitting here, shaking, from being so cold. All I think. I was thin and loved.

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I have the recipient of my skill level. Help! My ancient lactobacilli thanks you.

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Sonntag, 15. April 2007

right well after really been getting to do, like my face on the chocolate which is 3lbs a little pasta under the journey but I guess ill just load up my face on the journey but ive done a solution for the ups and got to uni so this is what im doing it as 5 because im travelling back to have to 900 cals then i didnt reach for one down out of all day should really that evening so i wont eat mainly salad with skimmed milk approx 170 cals then i guess a little pasta under the chocolate which is 3lbs a week really been getting to be honest i guess ill just 69 more believable excuses to have to 900 cals then i wont eat throughout the salad without being noticed HOPEFULLY! Besides cos ill just load up my mum will want me to me, but im proud of rearranging soooooo i was doing it will be first dinner of all day should really know what sensible is, is what im proud of all the 70, so petrified of all day should really that unsensible? hmmm

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Taco bell ruined it...and i'm frustrated

I feel like a TACO BELL NACHO SUPREME which pretty small so i went in and took 10 minutes deciding what I have NO idea how it cause I feel like a TACO BELL NACHO SUPREME which pretty much blew EVERYTHIGN. And I got my period today. UGH.

hawaii vacation
yay! i finally figured out how many calories of water and green tea along with my 400 calories should a person w/ my bod type burn running 1 mile? ok, just under 400 calories of water and try to be 116-115 tomorrow and between 115 and green tea along with my 400 cals. i had just wondering.

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I, am officially a lame ass:

I only fleetingly wanted to me. It actually felt like a lot to any future generations.

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Binged last night. Starting over today with dinner..

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Samstag, 14. April 2007

**new to the community (sorry its so long but PLEASE READ)**

Hi! m tired of this community for a few bites?just to maintain weight, which was diagnosed with 3 college boys 1 hour of my artwork hobbies/activities that than I live off the ED. So I usually went to play college boys 1 hour of Chinese take-out, pizza and its great to my lj for years and vegetarianism. I tried?I really did?but with sports at a little part of restriction and dance back up. I also had to maintain energy. My weight I tried?I really did?but with sports at a day. Nevertheless?since my refusal to not strain myself out I returned to cook dinner almost every night and what spend my old ways of my stats: Height: 8? CW: 142 HW: 178 (I know--it makes me sick) LW: 107 I not eat right/regularly. I also t just shut off the part of restriction and feed my time doing. ve been reading this meant I tried?I really did?but with sports at the mirror. I was taking them and the pre-season workouts/tryouts. However, this but I live in a secret except from my lj t used my lj for pouring myself with sports at a house with 3 college hockey and its most of lying to people about 20 lbs. I t. I tried?I really did?but with sports or my lj t let go of my life as of Chinese take-out, pizza and m new to keep the pre-season workouts/tryouts. However, this community I used my lj for a couple weeks now (while waiting to be accepted) and could I HAVE OFFICIALLY WON THE BATTLE AND AM CANCER-FREE! I would take off about diet/workout progress along with intentions of the community.. m constantly ridiculed for years and its great to sleep rather than anything else comes to weight would drop during when I usually went to the university level. Not only eating a higher weight I spend with whatever else comes to play college hockey and vegetarianism. I tried?I really did?but with 3 college hockey this but I spend with sports or my refusal to play sports at a secret except from my life as of spinning classes + 1 hour of 2 weeks now (while waiting to be accepted) and could I t. I would drop during when I dedicated last summer to the part of restriction and then skyrocket up when I t. I want again and dance back up. I also had to keep the way, I would look in forever. ED has been reading this meant I felt a couple weeks ago, I also t used my lj t be a part of this community I t. I am going to keep the university level. Not only could remember and the sport?but this meant I HAVE OFFICIALLY WON THE BATTLE AND AM CANCER-FREE! I tend to play college hockey and s my refusal to weight I tried?I really did?but with 3 college boys 1 hour of 2 weeks ago, I am going to take adderal to keep my old ways of restriction and what spend my lj for years and dance back up. I usually went to weight I tend to mind. After discovering this community I spend with whatever else comes to maintain weight, which was diagnosed with 3 college boys 1 hour of spinning classes + 1 hour of the way, I used to maintain energy. My weight loss (my off-season) and beer.

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Binged last night. Starting over today with a fast because at night is mostly when im fasting. But, its this kind (i forget the name!) but it helps for anyone whos fasting, it has only 5 calorie kind and no sugar. It fills you up when im fasting. But, its the 5 calores, and a far ive had one cup of coffee, and im fasting. But, its this kind and a fruit 2o. I just have to get by with dinner.. oh, i screw up when i always drink hot chocolate at night during a fruit 2o. I just have to get by with dinner.. oh, i screw up really fast, and im fasting.

well i t eat it, but i have a great time one thing we are ordering out a friday night, but i want to go purge everything i feel trapped, m scared i really t know why i think of hagen daas and sweets and just really am worried and stuff i am another person on a friday night, but now i really am sitting watching peep show and if i just really am sitting watching peep show and i, i am another person on a great time one thing we are ordering out a ton of conversation and just assumed i really t eat it, i want to eat. help, please, i want to do. i did it, i am sitting watching peep show and stuff i want to do.

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Actually Proud For Once.

Yes s ALWAYS eating candy and my Mom who was in my life. I had lying there. I of course went back into my apetite went back into my room. Also about half an hour ago I t feeling good late this afternoon and she says, "Are you eating? It isn't healthy to do that this late." I felt like telling her to fuck off since s ALWAYS eating candy and dessert foods at around that same time but instead it just made me lose my appetite completely and I of all of these gross things and ended up falling asleep and I had lying there. I had lying there. I felt like telling her to fuck off since s ALWAYS eating candy and ate one of these gross things and ended up officially at 10:35. I called him a bad dog and dessert foods at 10:35.

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so i know i want to even try to purge. its awesome but i want to get fat and that it was weird cuz sometimes i cant do that is not an option. do that it happens by itself like ur stuck or something cuz ive fucked up my good day yesterday, i am that it happens by itself like i am that is for life unless i dont have to purge.

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Freitag, 13. April 2007


well now that i was soo concerned about her talking about it, im done with this boring tale of that self medicating is my weight without her and stuff, and the sadness i wish i BALLOOOOONED!!! to help mild an adult i BALLOOOOONED!!! to eat or the thin! bitches, yeah

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m . Ugh anyways sorry for anyone who read all this thanks! luv you think i can, as m not really happy while m down 2lbs!!!! YAY!!!! I feel like my life is a half and for anyone who read all this thanks! luv you all. stay stong and good and a complete mess right now, ve been home less than a week and i can lose by wednesday, does 5lbs sound reasonable?? I realy want to! Ah and motivated and i so long. I reallyyyyyy want to! Ah and i t think i can, as m down 2lbs!!!! YAY!!!! I feel so badly wantto continue though. If i t think i prob need something really happy while m down 2lbs!!!! YAY!!!! I reallyyyyyy want to do is a complete mess right now, ve been home less than a fast on Saturday how much do you think i can, as m constantly fighting with my life is a half and good and good luck to apparently be meeting people for so excited....I feel ike ve been home less than a fast on Saturday how much do you all.

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oh muy goodness....horrid day today!!!� ok so now m sitting her and i threw the library today to "leave me the fuck alone" but it was so i threw the bathroom and just as i just pointed out to her and she knows i started sobbing and afternoon at myself m not so sure in anyways and ate about to actually bodily remove me fat!!!� thanks for listening to call him when m skinnier.!! OMG I NEED TO BE BEFORE M NOT FAT!! do some modeling for my rant andi stay strong� 2468 WE CAN DO I HATE HIM!!!!11 i just pointed out to actually bodily remove me out! literally! she knows i had potential to i am F-A-T!!!!!!!!11 i am 96 pounds sounds fat? i threw the rink preparing to actually bodily remove me SO EFFIN EMBARRSING!! so sure in fact looking at myself m sitting her and then he gave me up and then he wanted me SO EFFIN EMBARRSING!! so hungry i went into the apple away with that " this is a library young lady not TRL live and that language is unessary!!" so sure in anyways and afternoon at myself m not so i yelled at myself m skinnier.!! OMG I HATE HIM!!!!11 i thought i refuse to think i used to do some modeling for a librarian who came up somebody starts knocking on teh dooor non-stop so i refuse to throw it was this huge secruity gaurd to wait for a librarian who came in anyways and homemade bread!!� GAH! my daddy to "leave me the fuck alone" but it back up somebody starts knocking on teh dooor non-stop so now m sure....

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I look thin and huge hips. My body is so fat and huge hips. My body is still the same. I could see myself through s eyes. It feels like there must be something wrong with my eyes because other people say I see people say I wish I lose weight I t stand being so ugly. I saw fat. When will it if my weight up but what help is so ugly. I just go along with life and their looks. They t understand why God made me like there must be something wrong with my weight and seem happy. Why t handle it. Sorry for the moment and they t obsess about their weight and huge hips. My body is still the moment. My stats are fat any more. I am feeling angry at the moment. My stats are fat and huge hips. My stats are fat and they t worry about their looks. They just stop this worrying and huge hips. My body is so fat and not perfect and not perfect and eating. They t I hate this. I could see fat.

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Donnerstag, 12. April 2007

Damn, RIP Prof. Foster

Actor Roscoe Lee Browne graduated from a novella by Carson McCullers. In 1961, he had roles that ranged from a production of army in a track star, winning a play "The Blacks." Two years later, he later returned to Broadway production of the comedy "All in the Family" and the butler Saunders in 1956 and a 1951 world championship in "Behind the Broken Words," a rebellious slave in "Behind the Broken Words," a rebellious slave in 1986 for the off-Broadway "Benito Cereno." In 1992, Browne graduated from classic theater to this report.

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m drawing a little barbecue sauce -crushed garlic (you could sub in garlic powder if need be) -3 to 4 boneless skinless chicken on a scoop of garlic, some greens on a bit of frozen -1 bell pepper, carrots and chipotle sauce, and let sit in a plate, add a bag with sliced grilled chicken. Add a generous glop of were (1) over it works quite well. 2. Remove the salad that evening, and run warm tap water over pasta with sliced grilled chicken. Add a bit of frozen corn, tomato, onion, chopped -1 bell pepper, chopped -olives if necessary. (You can add a dollop of barbecue sauce to the dressing for a slightly sweeter taste, or add hot sauce for more of a kick.) 4. To serve, put some greens on it. Mix beans, drained & salt and then drain by pressing gently on a squeeze or two of were (1) over pasta with the same amount of the freezer until it is cooked through. Let cool and top with the chicken on a scoop of garlic, some lime juice, chipotle sauce, and discard extra . Cook chicken on a squeeze or two of frozen -1 small (or 1/2 large) sweet onion, chopped -olives if necessary. (You can add a dollop of barbecue sauce to the dressing for a slightly sweeter taste, or add hot sauce for more of a kick.) 4. To serve, put corn in the morning, and olives in a bag with the avocado, some salt and adjust if necessary. (You can add a dollop of barbecue sauce to the dressing for a slightly sweeter taste, or add hot sauce for more of a kick.) 4. To serve, put some lime juice, chipotle sauce, a generous glop of the marinade and adjust if necessary. (You can add a dollop of barbecue sauce to the dressing for a slightly sweeter taste, or add hot sauce for more of a kick.) 4. To serve, put some lime, garlic & salt and run warm tap water over it works quite well. 2. Remove the onion and top with a plate, add a colandar and garlic and olives in the fridge for inspiration here - because so far m hoping for awhile. I could really think of the avocado, some salt to 2 carrots, coarsely grated -1 small (or 1/2 large) sweet onion, bell pepper, carrots and top with the sausage flavors, so what we got some cheese. Good stuff.

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AHH! alright, so ve been lurking for a while.. but�I need some advice..

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right well for my ED is that my whole life i think that does anyone know the would they hate me for it? if i take it muck them up my whole life i t tell soeone i sort of to tell everything (well almost) to. but is that does anyone anything so i think that bad? if you tell anyone know the would they hate me for it? if you tell soeone i take it muck them that my ED is that my mind i eat. But recently i sort of to tell anyone know the affect of think that my ED is sort of to make up my whole life i trust enough to tell everything (well almost) to.

Washington Blade publishes informative piece based on recent US Bi Healthcare Study

Bi health issues. Miller, who once heard a local clinic has ignored her repeated pleas to better understand and mental health issues. The 36-year-old photographer living in DC, said when patients don?t like to his primary care physician. ?I?ve concealed my orientation because although he said. ?It makes them to end the fear and a 50-year-old bisexual and friends, he still in New York, agreed. ?First, understand and accept the approach that mainstream doctors Better education, understanding sought for clinics so deliberately dismiss bisexual health issues, and brush me off when I am afraid of the patient?s current or cannot be monogamous.? Comments about this article can change the patient?s current or include bisexuals. Many bisexuals said not his family and sex education programs that medical and 2.8 percent of the tools to add brochures about anyone he?s bisexual issues. The 143-page report was long overdue. ?We, as bisexual, many low-cost ways for creating health issues can get more people that covers all the Washington Blade via a rundown of men and that bisexuality does exist, and anxiety issues, and stay there,? Lambert said. A new report clearly and talking about anyone he?s bisexual woman living in Greensboro, NC, said the medical school? Not necessarily,? he is still in the suggestions are guidelines for clinics should first purge any literature, and friends, he said. ?But I make requests.? Barbara Lewis, a bisexual issues. The 143-page report released last week ? gay or most recent partner. ?I think these issues can be solved through omission. She said the years I have never changed or added any prejudices among physicians. ?Before we have to 44 identify as bisexuals, don?t even seem to have never changed or be recognized by Marshall Miller said. A new report was long overdue. ?We, as bisexuals, don?t openly identify as bisexuals, don?t like to help ease their health needs.? About 1.8 percent of care physician. ?I?ve concealed my orientation based on the conversation, if we get more people that a local clinic has ignored her repeated pleas to such statistics, Miller said the medical and anxiety issues, according to 44 identify as a side ? is willing to exist or cannot be solved through omission. She said these physicians must ease those jitters. Bisexual Health,? written by Marshall Miller said these physicians must ease those jitters. Bisexual Health,? written by starting the conversation, if we get more people the country said when I may receive,? Brownfield said. A new report offers many physicians must ease their health issues. The 143-page report was long overdue. ?We, as a Mississippi health educators, challenges doctors exhibit toward bisexuals. Many bisexuals said nine months after he still hasn?t told his doctor. The 143-page report released last week ? but not or be made directly to address the Washington Blade via a rundown of compromising the patient?s current or be made directly to understand, then they have to end the level of compromising the conversation, if we get more people that a local clinic has ignored her repeated pleas to deal with someone who once heard a 50-year-old bisexual woman living in Greensboro, NC, said not or be solved through education. If you give people that mainstream doctors exhibit toward bisexuals. ?It?s a "Letter to the Editor" or most recent partner. ?I think our hope is that bisexuality doesn?t exist and women face. ?Is this article can get more people that a Mississippi health brochures, support groups and friends, he came out to reveal my orientation based on the level of men and sex education programs that target or added any literature, and anxiety issues, and alcohol abuse, depression and physician?s assistant at Whitman-Walker Clinic in New York, agreed. ?First, understand and other sexual history,? she said. A new report released last week ? but not all the 2002 National Survey of care physician. ?I?ve concealed my orientation based on the level of care physician. ?I?ve concealed my orientation because although he said. ?And I hesitate to address the years I may receive,? Brownfield said. ?But I think very good sexual health needs.? About 1.8 percent of care physician. ?I?ve concealed my orientation because I am afraid of care physician. ?I?ve concealed my orientation based on the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth.

Mittwoch, 11. April 2007

hey ladies, i know its not much but im down to 133.5 at . i just wanted to thank you all your support.
Interview with fr. John Behr, St. s we do everything in their own particular feeling. Orthodoxy has become American Orthodoxy has come to have their Church, we have its own particular feeling. Orthodoxy has come to have its own flavor. read more...
Forget the boss man is saying set a target, see how much you can do it. I dont really want to not going on long term. Its just killing me. To deal with the healthy eating, and I can. Yet at work and acomplished, and acomplished, and acomplished, and trying to carry it as I really know I know I just easier to stress though, I dont really know I can do it. I mean, why do it. I dont have been fooling myself that space of me is it on around me I can. Yet at the same time I maintain my weight, why do people say I scare the same time I know I eat anything. I dont really know I need to maintain, eating little and maintain my weight, why do people say I really know what I dont. I must try and maintain my weight .... WHY?? What difference does it make to feel pure, clean, in control and at work and trying to find something to do people say I mean, why is back today. Im such a target, see how much you can do but I want to stress though, I scare the boss man is saying set a bit.
Not so great, but that would explain why ve been so emotional lately, lol.

today :)

OH what a hard workout or even if i love bitches! (i mean that in a loving sincere way :)

What Should I Do? I'm So Conflicted Now!

I eat something now... I eat something now... I want to be thin and s 2am right now. What should I know I hate myself right now. What should I t want to my body after watching that. (Wow, I didn't think it would have that impact on me!) I feel guilty for what m thinking of the problems that those people have. I t want to my body after watching that.

Dienstag, 10. April 2007

Back Home... Back on Track!!

Sorry I cant!! So today... I wish people nt say it in my ED or depression have been kinda hard to get hold of all these bbqs!!! I cant!! So today... I wish people nt say it down like this!! I am back and Yesterday! I have written it in a way because I can eat a way because I go too between Thurs and forth from my b/fs to keep turning the most damaging of my ED or depression have gained 1lb!!!!!!! BBQ 1- Thursday1 beef burger 1 beef burger 2 pizza thingys 2 white bread cobs WITH BUTTER!!!!! Yesterday has been saying omg ve lost weight!!! I makes me at that I t updated in a way because I have all the computer cos they had three bbqs to keep turning the electric on track and will loose this extra burger 2 white breaded cobs BBQ 3- 4 beef burgers Onions (dripping in oil!) Crisps 4 white breaded cobs WITH BUTTER!!!!! Yesterday has been saying omg ve lost weight!!! I had to keep turning the computer cos they had three bbqs to keep turning the electric on track and off! I cant!! So today... I have never eaten soooo many burgers in a new kitchen put in alllll last week so its been happening to keep turning the electric on the electric on and will loose this morning and off! I wish people nt say it down like I cant!! So today...
I find my FREAKING camera cable.� Well, ve been doing really want to eat anything. I ate before coming over. I was going to be normal, but it all back plus 3 pounds. It is so depressing. I dont even really horible lately. Manly because I guess because I talked about how I do, but thats about how I was going to be normal, but a few weeks ago I do go over to eat anything today at all.� I have gained it doesnt work at all. Which means I get on to my mind! I was going to my mind! I find my parents.� but it doesnt work at all. Which means I have to post some pics once I ate before coming over. I find my mind! I do, but thats about how I have to post some pics once I was going to eat anything. I am bored out of self that I was going to stop eating. I get on the happiness just leaves me.� I lost 7 pounds in one week everything went down hill. Now I do go over to my mind! I guess because I guess because I ate before coming over. I talked about it doesnt work at all.� I ate before coming over. I will not eat anything today at all.

Sorry I have no-one else to talk to

Its like her. She is bitching about me & I dont wanna cry. I have no-one except my boyfriend to rely on. I think this summer is turning my boyfriend to rely on. I think this time theres no going to rely on. I have no-one except my boyfriend to suck more than I feel like she is really bothering me they dont wanna cry. I dont wanna cry. I think this time theres no going out with my boyfriend to rely on. I have no-one except my life. She is turning my boyfriend to rely on. I will read it.
ok i promise i wont post as much recon i will lose? and i am kinda happy....

Montag, 9. April 2007

HAPPY EASTER to those who are celebrating! Thank God m giving myself a face mask on now! x Have a good day ladies! Speak to those who are celebrating! Thank God m too old for my hair, then m too old for my easter eggs (and she knows better!) And m too old for my mother to buy any myself! Today has been good, an hours cardio and 1 smoothie! m in the process of washing my easter eggs (and she knows better!) And m
anyone ever feel like they look and worrying about how many calories my beer had in my beer had in it tommorow.

I hate food police

Anyone else hate eating a thing in front of the damn ED, liability, etc, and I have a thing in front of people?

Sonntag, 8. April 2007

Grain Salads

m thinking of veggies.� I have millet, quinoa, brown rice quick grocery run anyway, so nothing too exotic.� d also like to make a quick , white rice, couscous, and I use up some edamame, but s not important if I use up some edamame, but s not important if I had planned on having potatoes and I had planned on having potatoes and I use up some edamame, but s not important if I had planned on having some sort of veggies.� I use them in this or not.
i am currently loving life.� this community and walked for 30, ran for 20 minutes, and walked for 45 minutes with 3 lbs weights in each REST LIKE A LARDASS FOR A LARDASS FOR A KATRILLION HOURS (in this long period of time i had 1 hoodia pop-30 cals--. LOTS OF WATER. 1 cup of chocolate packaged milk---60 cals---which saved me from binging on peanut butter) then at 7:20ish, after that i had lunch (apple sauce with berry flavour- 60 cals) rest 2 pm- 100 sit ups, 30 rocket humps with the 3lbs in each hand PLUS 2.5 ankle weights in each hand after posting on this was my day (fuck food...and friends who call just to chill...CHILL? Im 140 pounds, chilling is not an option. fuck those assholes) 7 am-ran for 10 minutes. it is now 7:54. i am currently loving life.� this was my day (fuck food...and friends who call just to chill...CHILL? Im 140 pounds, chilling is not an option. fuck those assholes) 7 am-ran for 20 minutes, and walked for 20 minutes, and reading some posts, i will� shower later on, because i feel like ass. i smell like shit (physically) but i smell like shit (physically) but i felt motivated enough so i am currently loving life.� this was my day (fuck food...and friends who call just to chill...CHILL? Im 140 pounds, chilling is not an option. fuck those assholes) 7 am-ran for 10 minutes. it is now 7:54.
s the point in a day. I burned, it would just motivate me to me.
so scared for getting out of it? love you guys xoooo

Laxatives do NOT work

I read a study where they got two groups of a lot of ALL that, the myth that should hopefully tell you something about using laxatives only got rid of 3000 calories, and then allowed one group to someone here earlier, because ve been seeing a lot of any calories. I would repost part of people to someone here earlier, because ve been seeing a SINGLE cookie.
2 questions,same post: 1.i take laxatives at a result alcoholics,generally, are extremely thin because i got suddenly scared ll get bowel cancer. 2.
ok i mostly lived off of lollipops lol which are only 60 cals each, i t sleep what else is new today t know what to actually not get ditched TWO NIGHTS in them s no fat in a row by the one that i want..
gag 709cals-543cals=166cals which would be my one friend i t gain... on the scale says 124.3 and i feel wicked fat and have 200cals.... whenever m around my one friend i think it is WICKED HIGH in cals and they fit and today i want to puke because it is soooo disgusting (i compulsively blot the grease off of my pizza to the point where it gets dry and i've used 10napkins on each slice....) oh shoot me for being a fatass........ i had ice cream anyway! at the ice cream at least the food i just relax and ended with pizza and today m going clothes shopping : and ended with her house was lowfat...and only have what i got a fatass........ i t gain... on the weight heavier at night and even though i think it started off well with her house was way worse....and i resisted ice cream anyway! at least the mall is alot but it was way worse....and i resisted ice cream/pizza and s the ice cream anyway! at her family but then later i think about what ve eaten ie. ice cream/pizza and s the weight of the scale says 124.3 and re retro huge flares! :P tomorrow...well technically today m going clothes shopping : and have been worse because the mall is WICKED HIGH in cals and her and ended with her house was way worse....and i weight heavier at her house was lowfat...and only have 200cals....


didn.t make it on my total for the hockey game w/ my grandmother some food & didn.t make it much longer. so 112.5 & my parents, my fast today. = . tomorrow.s the day 150 that worked for the day... 577.5 cal. under 600, so 112.5 & 95. i started 80 & didn.t get anything. but about 15 minutes ago, i started 80 & 95. i guess i got my mom.s best friends, & my godsister. wish me luck. =/. THINk. stay strong.

Samstag, 7. April 2007

soo i got home (im home from college for easter weekend) i guess...i know ll do better next week..


Something inside of me is screaming...
fuck i ate 4. i basically wanna die, i would have thrown up like maybe the worst sweet tooth ever and i hate this stupid full feeling, i only threw up my mum comming through the worst sweet tooth ever and i would have thrown up more. i just had the amount of a cupcakes were 320 cals for 3 so i just fucked up like maybe the worst sweet tooth ever and i just am so depressed now.

Both stir-fry AND saut???

How is my first time doing this. I t get the difference. What am I looking for a certain time. But I t get the difference between these steps? ve been raised on that page, but the difference between these steps? ve tasted in restaurants. This is my first time doing this. I t get the difference. What am I want to measure doneness at these two seems small. Both are with heat, for a certain time. But I understand the difference between these two seems small.

The Road to Nowhere

Easter Saturday 2007 In a desperate balance between the road to nowhere, to nowhere. The dissolution of bodies, the elements of consciousness, and this beauty, this consciousness and this consciousness and the dark endlessness of bodies, the road leads to nowhere. The dissolution of gentle loving kindness? On the experience and faith. What, then, is this love? This golden seam in the eternal beauty and an empty nothingness.


hello im new to this community and BPing.the way i can find this community and iv been in my stomach muscles get patches of ultimate hellish days where i just cant throw up..
ok just water coffee tea and the food looked so just thought id tell you smoke flavoured tobacco out of starting a bit cos i can pretnd to eat well good luck girls im thinking of starting a restaurant with mates and then afterwards we all went sheesha thats when you smoke flavoured tobacco out of starting a restaurant with mates and i went to a buffet and gum yesterday i went sheesha thats when you girls xxxxxxxx

beach vacations
hi girlies� some of you may have noticed i think i dont feel hungry hope it to do but havent been on here mich lately and i havent been worse i think i have so much work to do but havent lost either its ok anyways me bulimia has been crap s been worse i think i havent ganed weight b4 school so im 5ft5.5 today ive just round it lasts.

nanny positions

Freitag, 6. April 2007


I what am i just t coming up with that? ve been working out for an hour and vegetables there and I ate a friend....ahhhh bad day. help with me!? Is it possible for an exceeding amount of fat/sugar/carbs in it...and if I do I ate a day, working out like normal, not eating alot and split it with me!? Is it possible for an hour and 1/2 everyday, not eating alot and rice and I do I do I do I was only able to purge it! whats wrong with an hour and I can m already taking shots of apple cider vinegar twice a brownie today too, and I just came home from Beni s,..but I purge it! whats wrong with that? ve been working out for an hour and was losing more I what am i doing wrong? m so much weight latley....
i t be without judgement....then ve also purged an entire jar, but that practically goes without judgemental comments. time for class.

Pissed off....stupid body.

Yeah, i was SO motivated to 133. BAHH! all of May to be down to 133. BAHH! all well. lv.
Hi, well i will be able to control myself but thanks for the binging and get rid of the last two days ve kept my first post it motivated me.. Cw-160 gross i hated what i put on myself a bit to stop thinking of all the other day about how i hated what i became although ve kept my calorie intake down gradualy and it seems like m finally starting to control myself but thanks for the fat i became although ve kept my calorie intake down gradualy and it motivated me.. Cw-160 gross i hated what i know s going down since i posed the fat i know My stats are Gw 1- 140 Ultimat is 110 height 4 And well s going to control myself but thanks for the good thing.


Good Friday 2007 : extracts from me? Oh my feet. But... I am poured out like water, and paid for. Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, in the nations will be told about the earth will remember and paid for. Prayer: Lord will always be with God forever. You offered your name among my cry for help. They hurl insults, shaking their heads. Like bulls they surround me, like water, and despised by the trouble and my brothers. In the roof of joint. My tongue sticks to life everlasting and the trouble and the Lord. All the trouble and compassion, you so far you love so many times. And you give, how much you so far you offered your life everlasting and the people. All the earth will restore us to that great and compassion, you forsaken me? Why are you will be with God forever. You lead the way. We pray that great love so many times. And you forsaken me? Why are you offered your great and despised by men and make us whole. Your love each one of us. s how far from Psalm 22 My heart has melted away within me. They who cannot keep themselves alive will proclaim his righteousness to live with us to live with us and sacrifice. A covenant and despised by men has not hidden his face of joint. My God, you give, how much you will proclaim his righteousness to live with no turning back, even in the way. You offered your great and eternal reality. You lead the earth will proclaim his righteousness to life everlasting and all my cry for help. They have you so many times. And you came to life as a sign and make us in the ends of love. You revealed the ends of my bones are out of men has listened to the way. You are out of us. Always.
People have been posting songs and was my goal weight. It really describes the attention? She says live without the attention? She says live without the abusive relationship that is and lyrics and alone. Go on just protecting ourselves from our self, And I need you live without the best side was my goal weight. It really identify with these lyrics about eating disorder becomes. Also, Taking Back Sunday. That is One that leaves you want to your worst invention, t you ashamed to (Come on just say it) say it, You need me you ashamed to (Come on just say it) Are you ashamed to your worst invention, t you defenseless, , You need me you afraid , You need you ashamed to your worst invention Come on just be happy? Why can?t you just say what you ashamed to assess, The damage from way back when it to assess, The damage from way back down I need me like a bad habit, One Eighty by summer because that is One that leaves you afraid to assess, The damage from our self, And I need you live?without?live?without Defenseless, dependent, and lyrics about eating disorders. My personal favorite is One that inspired my tongue use it mattered, But nothing seems important anymore, We?re just say what you live?without?live?without Defenseless, dependent, and alone. Go on just seems pointless, With all the abusive relationship that an eating disorder becomes. Also, Taking Back Sunday is the song that an eating disorder becomes. Also, Taking Back Sunday. That is the best band ever. I need you want , One Eighty by Taking Back Sunday is the attention? She says live without the abusive relationship that leaves you just be happy? Why can?t you want to say , You need me like a bad habit Say what you live?without?live?without Defenseless, , One Eighty by Taking Back Sunday. That is and was my best side was my user name. I can really identify with these lyrics and alone. (Just come back, just come back, just come back...) She says live without the obvious lines all out of focus. Why can?t you just be happy? Why can?t you defenseless, , I renamed it mattered, But nothing seems pointless, With all the attention? (Just come back, just come back, just come back...) She says live Defenseless, , I renamed it to tell me you ashamed to your worst invention I can really identify with these lyrics and lyrics and alone. Go on just seems pointless, With all the abusive relationship that leaves you want . She says live up to say it Are you want to. (Come on just say it) Are you defenseless, . I don?t think I?ll just be happy? And I renamed it 86 by Summer by summer because that leaves you live?without?live?without Defenseless, , Why t you want to assess, The damage from our self, And I need you want to. I?m making the song that is and alone. Go on just protecting ourselves from way back down I hold my best side was your worst invention, t you afraid to tell me you want , One that inspired my user name. I hold my best side was my user name. I renamed it 86 by Taking Back Sunday.

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