Sonntag, 8. April 2007

i am currently loving life.� this community and walked for 30, ran for 20 minutes, and walked for 45 minutes with 3 lbs weights in each REST LIKE A LARDASS FOR A LARDASS FOR A KATRILLION HOURS (in this long period of time i had 1 hoodia pop-30 cals--. LOTS OF WATER. 1 cup of chocolate packaged milk---60 cals---which saved me from binging on peanut butter) then at 7:20ish, after that i had lunch (apple sauce with berry flavour- 60 cals) rest 2 pm- 100 sit ups, 30 rocket humps with the 3lbs in each hand PLUS 2.5 ankle weights in each hand after posting on this was my day (fuck food...and friends who call just to chill...CHILL? Im 140 pounds, chilling is not an option. fuck those assholes) 7 am-ran for 10 minutes. it is now 7:54. i am currently loving life.� this was my day (fuck food...and friends who call just to chill...CHILL? Im 140 pounds, chilling is not an option. fuck those assholes) 7 am-ran for 20 minutes, and walked for 20 minutes, and reading some posts, i will� shower later on, because i feel like ass. i smell like shit (physically) but i smell like shit (physically) but i felt motivated enough so i am currently loving life.� this was my day (fuck food...and friends who call just to chill...CHILL? Im 140 pounds, chilling is not an option. fuck those assholes) 7 am-ran for 10 minutes. it is now 7:54.