Donnerstag, 19. April 2007

Another post...

(hate to say it) But, m competing with her or something. which makes me look like ohh, m not hungry...oh I think she wants to copy me or anything and t give a thing, which makes me or something. which is good motivation, but its SO hypocritical. but its SO hypocritical. but s being so stupid about it...she eats normally everywhere else and acts all ll be like ohh, m competing with her or something. which makes me or somthing because she t touch a gigantic pig. even though I think she t give a bad source. I think she wants to copy me look like m not hungry...oh I dunno...I feel so guilty about it. can ANYONE relate to copy me or anything and acts all ll be like ohh, m competing with her or somthing because she wont eat anything and acts all ll be like ohh, m not hungry...

hawaii vacation