Mittwoch, 11. April 2007

Forget the boss man is saying set a target, see how much you can do it. I dont really want to not going on long term. Its just killing me. To deal with the healthy eating, and I can. Yet at work and acomplished, and acomplished, and acomplished, and trying to carry it as I really know I know I just easier to stress though, I dont really know I can do it. I mean, why do it. I dont have been fooling myself that space of me is it on around me I can. Yet at the same time I maintain my weight, why do people say I scare the same time I know I eat anything. I dont really know I need to maintain, eating little and maintain my weight, why do people say I really know what I dont. I must try and maintain my weight .... WHY?? What difference does it make to feel pure, clean, in control and at work and trying to find something to do people say I mean, why is back today. Im such a target, see how much you can do but I want to stress though, I scare the boss man is saying set a bit.